Back Muscles

The back muscles are essential in most bodily functions and movements because this group includes the muscles that control the vertebral column and rib cage. Additionally, they help with the movement of shoulders and arms, helping with posture and bending of the back. Following is a list of all the muscles of the back:

  1. Erector spinae
    1. Iliocostalis
    2. Longissimus
    3. Spinalis
  2. Transversospinales
    1. Semispinalis thoracis
    2. Semispinalis cervicis
    3. Semispinalis capitis
  3. Multifidus
  4. Rotatores
  5. Interspinales
  6. Intertransversarii
  7. Splenius Muscles
    1. Splenius capitis
    2. Splenius cervicis

Spine Muscles (Muscles of the Vertebral Column)

  1. Trapezius
  2. Latissimus dorsi
  3. Rhomboids
    1. Rhomboid major
    2. Rhomboid minor
  4. Levator scapulae