Leg Muscles

These are the muscles located below the knee joint and above the foot, separate into two categories, anterior and posterior. Together they work to support the lower leg and produce movements of the ankle and foot to help us walk, run, and perform other movements of the leg, like dancing. Here is a complete list of all the muscles of the leg:

Anterior compartment

  1. Tibialis anterior
  2. Extensor hallucis longus
  3. Extensor digitorum longus
  4. Fibularis tertius

Posterior Compartment

Superficial Posterior Leg Muscles

  1. Triceps surae
    1. Gastrocnemius
    2. Soleus
  2. Plantaris

Deep Posterior Leg Muscles

  1. Popliteus

Muscles of the Tarsal Tunnel

  1. Flexor hallucis longus
  2. Flexor digitorum longus
  3. Tibialis posterior

Lateral Compartment

  1. Fibularis longus
  2. Fibularis brevis