Foot Muscles

The muscles of the foot help with all the small and big movements of the feet, playing a vital role in locomotion. Below is a complete list of all the muscles of the foot, along with their classification according to their functions and location:

Dorsal Muscles of the Foot

  1. Extensor digitorum brevis
  2. Extensor hallucis brevis
  3. Dorsal interossei of foot

Plantar Muscles of the Foot

First Layer

  1. Abductor hallucis
  2. Flexor digitorum brevis
  3. Abductor digiti minimi

Second Layer

  1. Quadratus plantae
  2. Lumbricals

Third Layer

  1. Flexor hallucis brevis
  2. Adductor hallucis
  3. Flexor digiti minimi brevis

Fourth Layer

  1. Plantar interossei
  2. Dorsal interossei